Welcome to Bristol Boxing Gym.
From 17th May 2021 we are able to host all our classes for adults and juniors back inside the gym.
The gym will operate a one-way system entering from the main reception entrance with the fire exits in the gym areas providing your exit points out of the building. All attendees will require to register at reception as normal.
The reception will only deal with one attendee at a time and this may cause slight delays entering the facility as you queue outside. Please be patient as we safely sign attendees into the gym, and we advise you arrive a little bit earlier to allow for this slight delay. To speed up this process for all members go to our timetable and register for classes prior to attending. For new members please sign up via our become a member page prior to attending the gym as this will significantly reduce the time needed to sign you up as our receptionists are very busy.
The gym has undergone a full Covid-19 risk assessment to ensure your safety returning to the gym.
The gym has been deep cleaned and we will continue daily cleaning and regular sanitising of all surfaces. Sanitiser dispensers will be located all around the gym.
Masks will not be required, though you are welcome to wear one.
Gym areas have taped off zones to ensure social distancing measures are followed. There will be no switching until the round ends and we can safely move around the gym area.
Please exercise with common sense respecting the social distancing rules. If you are not respecting these rules, we will ask you to leave the gym.
If you don't feel well, have a temperature, or any other symptoms associated with COVID-19, DO NOT come to the gym. If you've been exposed to someone who has contracted COVID-19, DO NOT come to the gym.
Gym Areas
The whole gym facility will be open and accessible as before with the two main boxing gym rooms along with the fitness studio.
We have also created a new covered outside boxing area in the basketball court that will allow outdoor training with five punchbags and a training area.
Changing Rooms
Changing rooms and showers are available to gym members but to limit social contact we advise you attend the gym changed and ready to exercise. Toilets will remain open as usual to gym members.
Gym Timetable
We will operate our normal full gym timetable for adults and juniors as before lockdown. This will allow us to spread the number of attendees to safe numbers. Click here for the Gym Timetable.
We will regulate numbers as per the government guidelines utilising all the gym indoor and outside training areas. There will be no booking system with the expectation we can manage attendee numbers. If this does become an issue, then we may introduce a booking system for classes.
Personal training will resume as normal and can be booked directly with reception contact@westcountryboxing.com or call 0117 9496699.
Boxing Equipment
There will be no boxing equipment gloves, skipping ropes, etc available to be lent out. Please bring all your kit or there will be boxing equipment available to buy in reception.
Please bring your own water bottle or purchase one at reception. Bottled water will be available to buy from reception as normal. No drinking from the tap.
No Reception Waiting Area
The reception waiting area will be closed off and we will ask all non-gym attendees such as parents to move away from the gym entrance at a safe distance and wait for their child to leave the session via the exits.
For any other questions please feel free to call us on 0117 9496699 or email contact@westcountryboxing.com
See you back at the gym!